New Construction

The natural gas installation process is based on a first come, first serve basis. Please initiate the process with Crossroads well ahead of your construction time. We do not give out time-frames as project dates are subject to many different factors. The cost to install a new service is based on your projected annual BTU load and what type of service it is (commercial, urban residential, rural residential, grain dryer etc.).

The following steps are important for securing your spot:

1. What is your legal land location?
Please have this information.

2. Are you in our service area?
Please locate your property using the interactive map link below to confirm that Crossroads is your natural gas supplier:

3. Confirm with the Land Titles Office that the ownership of the property is in your name.
No project can begin until the title is changed. Please note that Land Titles can take up to two months to process these changes. Crossroads will charge customers if we pull titles to discover they do not yet reflect the new ownership.

4. Set up an appointment with our infill coordinator.
Call the office at 403-227-4861 to provide us with the above information about your project. Appointments are available based on the coordinators schedule. Please note it takes 2-3 days to prep the paperwork.